
Showing posts with the label Stitch Fix

Why Stitch Fix Is Really Worth It

#StitchFix | Signing up for a clothing subscription with a tight budget seems counterintuitive, but it can really boost your wardrobe AND help you stay on budget. to Continue Reading...... Sugarplum Style Vol 84 #Style | Sugarplum Style Vol 84 read more... Can Social Media Actually Elevate Your Style #SocialMedia | There is a lot written about social media making people feel bad about themselves, and while I have had my frustrations with social media it’s never been about feeling bad about myself.  To my mind, there is a treasure trove to be learned from other people’s Instagram and Pinterest accounts as well as my own. […] read more... Christmas Activities for Preschool #Preschool | Are you looking for some fun No Prep Christmas Worksheets for your preschool students? This set includes a fun and engaging collection of 122 worksheets that you can use in the classroom this year. From tracing and cutting lines, to practicing the alphabet letters, numbers, sh...