
Showing posts with the label Spring

71 Wild Spring Menswear Deals to Hop On Pronto #Spring

#Spring | Every (actually good) menswear deal worth shopping right now, from Patagonia to Rag & Bone and more. to Continue Reading...... Lip #Lip | The researchers used a combination of speech synthesis, machine learning and 3D-printing techniques to create a robot that accurately emulates the natural movements of the human jaw, lips and tongue. read more... How to Make Pinterest Work for You #Work | Follow these four Pinterest best practices in order to make Pinterest work for you and your business this year! read more... Learning to code will seriously change your life #Life | Software developers are in high demand and well paid, but how do you break into the industry? read more... Peanut Butter Oatmeal Pancakes #Butter | These Peanut Butter Oatmeal Pancakes are perfect indulgent guilt-free breakfast - yummy, sweet and so HEALTHY. + Easy to make with few simple ingredients! read more...

Brandon Maxwell Spring 2021 Ready

#Spring | The complete Brandon Maxwell Spring 2021 Ready-to-Wear fashion show now on Vogue Runway. to Continue Reading...... Stewed Greens with Cornmeal Dumplings #Greens | Recipe from the PBS hit show Somewhere South starring chef Vivian Howard. read more... Paula Deen Turnip Greens with Cornmeal Dumplings Recipe #Greens | This turnip greens with cornmeal dumplings recipe from Paula Deen is a favorite Southern side dish. Ingredients include smoked turkey necks, turnip greens and chicken broth. Prep time is only 15 minutes and cooking time is about 15 minutes. read more... Ugly Vegan Kitchen #Kitchen | Inspired by Cajun cuisine, this hearty vegan black-eyed pea soup recipe is easy to prepare, cooks up fast, and tastes absolutely fantastic with a piece of cornbread on the side. It can be enjoyed y… read more... Southern Greens and Potlikker #Southern | Ensure prosperity in the New Year with Southern greens and potlikker. Deeply flavorful, t...

5 Tips To Enjoy A Spring Break Vacation Without Breaking The Budget

#Spring | Many prospective travelers enduring the wintertime blues look forward to Spring Break to get away from the cold and snow. However, most people stay home to Continue Reading...... Goa actress Stefanie Powers Friendly Planet Travel #Travel | National Geographic International (now FOX) producer, Dawn Drew, has been to India more than 100 times and she recently spent three months filming around the country.  Dawn says that each visit to India offers something new and that travelers should go beyond the iconic attractions for an authentic travel experience.  We’ll also talk about the… read more... Giving Your Dog the Best #Dog | When you get a dog, you’ll probably be surprised by how much a part of the family they become. You’ll build great bonds with your pooch. They’re friendly, they’re loyal, they’ll bond with you and they’ll be faithful to you. So, in return, you need to make sure you provide them with the best quality… read more... 15 Best Dogs for Hikin...